Flourmeter Technology For Mycotoxins Anaysis
Simply and efficiently, the Series-4EX is able to measure total mycotoxin levels in samples prepared using VICAM's mycotoxin columns.
Vicam Vertu Technology For Mycotoxins Analysis
The VICAM Vertu lateral flow reader is designed to analyze VICAM lateral flow strip tests. The optical detector moves along the strip test, records data and converts the data to a toxin concentration through a lot-specific calibration curve.
Vicam HPLC Requirments For Mycotoxins Analysis
The HPLC/UPLC Method of Choice
Vicam Rapid Test Kits For Aflatoxins Analysis
Qualitative Strip Tests
Vicam Mycotoxins Analysis Consumablels
Quantitative Strip Tests
Vicam Mycotoxins Standards
vicam mycotoxins standards